Pillar Rocks: The three pillar rocks stand straight one behind another. The height of the rock is 122 metres. One of the pillars resembles the shape of Lord Ganesha and can be viewed from the vantage point where there is a mini garden with beautiful flowers.
Golf Course: It is nearer to Pillar Rocks. The entire area is about 120 acres. Golf International tournament is conducted here during the month of May. The Golf course is allowed only for the members and is not opened for the public.
Green Valley View: Earlier it was known as Suicide Point. Now the name is changed to remove the negative mind set from the people. Again, this is a view point for have a glimpse of nature’s beauty. Here the wall has been raised and iron grills have been put through which we can view the valley.
Coaker's Walk: A view point that gives the panoramic view of the valley. Coaker is the name of the person who constructed the path of this Coaker’s walk.
500 Years Old Tree: One can see the 500 year’s old tree from the main road only. Since no one are allowed nearer to it.
The next day we got ready by 9 am to visit Shenbaganur Museum.
Shenbaganur Museum: The route to the museum was so calm. The entry ticket for the museum is Rs.5/- per person. It has various collections of species of animals and birds. Some of the list that are in museum are Whale’s Vertebra, Different types of insects, birds like Myna, Bull Bull, development of child growth in foetus, Animal’s growth, Bird’s eggs etc.
Kodaikanal Lake: It is also known as Kodai Lake. It is man made lake. There are boat clubs for row boating, pedal boating and motor boating. We chose pedal boating and enjoyed 30 minutes of calm ride. We sipped a nice masala tea to rejuvenate ourself (we hardly taste tea at home or outside, but didn't have any option but go for masala tea).
After this we went for lake side shopping and purchased kodai hand made earrings and home made chocholates.
Silver Cascade falls: As we were going the weather was cloudy and started drizzling. On the way to Kodaikanal-Madurai Road we saw Silver Cascade falls from the bus. It is about 8 kms from Kodaikanal.
The kodai trip was enjoyable and refreshing one!!!